Our regular service time is every Sunday at 10.30am.

Sunday mornings are times for family worship. Our services may sometimes be noisy but will always be relaxed & fun. The Elders are happy for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be shared in our services, within the constraints of Biblical accountability.

We regularly attend events like Spring Harvest and New Wine so our music tends to reflect this and is largely a mixture of more recent songs and hymns, led by one of our several different worship bands.

Communion is normally shared on the first Sunday morning of each month & we welcome anyone who has a personal relationship with Jesus to join us.

We have a lovely creche where you can take under 3’s who get restless. Please note though, that it is not staffed, so you will have to go too!

During morning services, children up to 11 years of age go out to “Lighthouse“.

Young people aged 11-16 attend the HUB which is a Bible based discussion group.
