January 2004
The roof was finally finished! We also planted 25 trees as part of the landscaping scheme.

jan04d jan04c


February 2004
We built more of the external walls, started some internal walls and started to paint the steel beams supporting the roof.

feb04c feb04b
March 2004
The west wall was built up and we finished painting the steel beams.

mar04b mar04a
April 2004
The new room for TLC was opened up and we started excavations to create the new toilet area underneath the Youth Hall

apr04a apr04d apr04c

May 2004
The diggers were back on site to build up and profile the land around the building. We also continued excavation work for the new toilet area throughout the month.

may04a may04b

may04c may04d

June 2004
Excavations for the new toilet block were completed and we started building back up to meet the rooms above.
Work also began on the south wall which featuring a special ‘cross’ shaped window.

jun04c jun04d

jun04a jun04b

July 2004
The underpins in the new toilet area neared completion and as the walls go up, the new window in the south wall took shape.

jul04c jul04b jul04a

August 2004
We took a break from work for a month.

September 2004
Underpinning in the toilet area was completed and the window and door openings were tidied up ready for final
measuring before the windows and doors were made up.

sep04a sep04b

October 2004
The toilet area sub-floor was cast and dividing walls built up. Blockwork on the south wall was completed.

oct04a oct04b
November 2004
We fitted the suspended concrete floor above the new toilet block and installation began on the new windows and doors.

nov04a nov04b

December 2004
All of the aluminium framed windows and doors were finished and installed. Hardwood framed windows for the east wall were being constructed. More internal walls were built up to form various rooms and corridors.

dec04a dec04b

-> The Building Project 2005